Luther Create – Arts Week

In a weeklong celebration of the arts, students and staff immersed themselves in activities spanning music, media, theatre and visual arts.

Arts Week kicked off Monday 15 May with Australian singer songwriter Dylan J. Students were mesmerised by his incredible vocals and seamless ability to move from solo acoustic to that of a band though the genius of looping. Dylan ran three song writing workshops throughout the day, attended by students from all year levels.

Our Class of 2022 Art Exhibition opening was held Monday evening, with students and families enjoying the beautifully curated pieces in the college atrium.

Tuesday had a focus on media with our microfilm competition, giving students just 100 minutes to pull together a short piece on camera or smart phone. Well done to everyone who entered and special congrats to our top three place getters.

First Place

When a teenage girl is hungry.

Maia, Ashlynn, Jack, Maisie and Ashleigh (Year 12)

Second Place

The conundrum of the key.

Nina and Allegra (Year 8)

Third Place

The day I almost died from bullying.

Jono, Kai, Tait and Aleck (Year 7)

Chalk the Walk, a long-standing tradition at the college also launched on Tuesday with students turning a concrete walkway into a sea of colour guided by the theme ‘The Lost Key’. The competition continued until Friday with students using recess and lunchtime to complete their pieces.

Wednesday was all about theatre with special guest and international superstar Erin Cornell. Erin is an acclaimed performer, vocal coach and mentor having played roles including Grizabella (Cats), and Elphaba (Wicked), as well as making Team Delta on The Voice. Erin warmed up her vocals before belting out classics Memory and Defying Gravity, then running multiple workshops throughout the day.

The theatrics continued during recess on Wednesday with an army of Zombies dragging themselves around the school, using the art of dance and costume to engage and interact.

At lunchtime students enjoyed an Irish dancing workshop, learning basic fundamentals such as foot placement, posture and technique.

Thursday was another big day as we focused on visual arts, inviting guest speaker Australian artist and illustrator Lou Endicott to lead chapel and host multiple workshops throughout the day.

Lou’s focus for the day was window art, a passion she discovered during lockdowns. After learning the basics students took to windows around the school to create gardens.

Thursday evening was our annual Autumn Concert at Karralyka Centre in Ringwood. Over 150 students took to the stage to celebrate Australian music compositions. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the winners of our Rising Stars Dance competition from Term 1.

To cap off a brilliant week, Friday was spent celebrating the week that was, including the final Homegroup Quiz, a five-day long competition conducted in Homegroup each morning (congrats to Wicklow 1 & 7) plus some very creative Homegroup montages (a video snapshot made by every Homegroup).

What a week! We can’t wait until next year!