Mrs Jacqui Layfield was officially installed as Luther College’s sixth Principal in a special service in Term 2 in the College Chapel.
Students in Year 7 and Year 12 along with a number of special guests filled the Chapel while other year levels watched via live stream. Pastor Mark Tuffin and Pastor Richard Schulze commenced proceedings, with District Bishop of Victoria and Tasmania Lester Priebbenow officially installing Mrs Layfield in the role of Principal. Chair of the Luther College Council Mrs Helen Suke welcomed Jacqui, offering her well wishes on behalf of Council as she leads the College into the future.
Special guests included Bishop Paul Smith (District Bishop of QLD), Pastor Peter Ghalyhini (Ringwood Knox Lutheran Parish), Greg Schneider (BLEVNT Chair and Principal, Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School) together with members of the Luther College Council, Lutheran Education Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania and Lutheran Education Australia.
College Captains Alyssa Sanders and Ewan Webber welcomed Mrs Layfield on behalf of students, also delivering prayers throughout the service. Year 12 student Christina Wong also performed a beautiful rendition of Mambo by Christopher Norton on the Chapel piano.
A morning tea was provided afterwards served by Year 10 students in the function room.