The 2019 Luther College Dux Benjamin Roe, Proxime Accessit Oscar Hodgson and subject Dux recipients for VCE subjects undertaken in 2019 have been recognised for their outstanding academic achievements at a presentation ceremony.
Members of the Class of 2019 and current Year 12 students who completed a VCE subject last year, were recognised for their outstanding academic efforts which led to them being Dux of their subject.
Particular awards were also given at the celebrations. The Douglas C W Maroney Legal Studies Prize was presented by Mr Robert Maroney, son of Mr Douglas Maroney to James Hanna and the Dr Caroline Gargett Scholarship for Excellence in Science was awarded by Dr Gargett to Benjamin Roe.
The Douglas C W Maroney Legal Studies Prize is awarded annually to the top student in Year 12 Legal Studies. Douglas Maroney was a highly respected lawyer who served as Chair of the Luther College Council from 2000-2007. He was also an active parent, past president of the PTFA, and member of the Luther College community.
The Dr Caroline Gargett Scholarship for Excellence in Science is a prestigious monetary scholarship established by the Gargett family in recognition of Caroline’s role as Professor and one of Australia’s leading medical scientists. For a number of years, she was the Secretary of the Luther College Council and chair of the Education sub-Committee.
This year also saw the introduction of a new tradition, with the presentation of a Dux cup to honour this outstanding achievement. College Dux Benjamin Roe accepted his awards, witnessed by four generations of his family.
Congratulations to our Class of 2019.